Can the Rogue Neck Gaiter Be Used As a Face Mask?

We live in a strange time. Just the other day, the Utah governor announced that they would be easing more social restrictions. They are going to allow more restaurants, gyms, and hair salons to be open and social groups up to 50. One of the caveats was you are required to wear a face mask while in public. Even Costco announced that you would not be allowed in the store if you were not wearing a face covering. That got us thinking, "Can we use the Rogue Neck Gaiter as a face mask?"
Hell yes, you can! I want to pause here for a second. I am not saying this will protect you from COVID-19, the flu, or any other illness. However, as the CDC and local governments have recommended wearing a cloth face covering or face mask (and it is still virtually impossible to find face masks in stores) we think this is a great option. We do not want to start a debate on whether you should wear a face covering. The way we look at it is this, you have car, home, and medical insurance right? Wearing a face covering is a little bit like insurance. It helps reduce the chance of you developing or potentially spreading something. None of us unintentionally want to cause harm to anyone else, right?
There are countless YouTube videos on how to make your own face mask, but we think most of them are pretty hideous. Plus, have you worn a face mask for hours on end? It is miserable. With the Rogue, you simply pull the material up over your mouth and nose and you are good to go. The best part, is how good you will look.
This leads to several of the ways you could use this neck gaiter as a mask. The first is just a simple half face mask. Scrunch the tube up until the mask is in a circle and pull it down over your head so it fits loosely around your neck. Pull the mask up all over your head so it is straight all the way around. It should cover your mouth and nose in order to be truly effective.
If you want to make a heavier duty mask to help protect against respiratory droplets, you might consider doubling up the mask to make multiple layers of fabric. You could even slip in a dense piece of fabric, coffee filter, or paper towel between the two layers to provide a more effective filtration component. If you want to only expose what you absolutely have to, you can create a full head mask (also called a balaclava) by pulling it up and over the back of your head, completely covering your hair. The front of the mask should still cover your mouth and nose, leaving only your eyes and forehead exposed.
As we try to make our way through this new normal, having a Rogue Neck Gaiter as a handy protective layer only makes sense. It is versatile, light weight, takes up no space, and, if I dare say, makes you look pretty cool. Who would have thought we would all be walking around town looking like bandits?
I thought I would share some of the funniest face masks from around the internet.
Anne is the Marketing Outreach Coordinator at 3V Gear and ardently loves dogs of all kinds (except Chihuahua's). If she isn't at work you can find her at school or reading the latest political thriller. She loves traveling and experiencing new adventures with her husband and has a goal to visit all seven continents. Anne is currently studying International Affairs and Global Studies at Brigham Young University.
The gaiter rocks as my mask, but I have to say I would also love that Alien parasite also…lol.
A gaiter is all my family wears! We all look baddass too
I have the one that looks like women’s underwear. Well I think it’s a mask?
Whenever I hear the word balaclava, I get a hankering for a sweet dessert pastry, filled with chopped nuts and honey. I wouldn’t mind covering my mouth with that!
I don’t know about funny, but I kinda like the Crown Royal mask.
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