Updates to the Single Pistol Case Prototype

We received so much great feedback on the revised single pistol case and are moving forward with this product. It is still in the conceptualizing stage but we have taken the design much further based on your thoughts, ideas, and suggestions. Thank you for the great feedback.
We built a mock up out of plastic so we could get a feel for space and size. This allows us to move pockets, get dimensions, and eventually create a pattern for a sewn version. We really like the way this case is turning out. Right now it is roughly 9"x12" and 2" thick.
This case is larger than our original single pistol case. We think this is a good thing as it makes it so versatile. The front will have MOLLE attachment points, a large Velcro panel, and slim stash pocket. On the back, we have removed the old MOLLE straps. We did this because the size of the case would make it a little awkward for attaching it to the outside of a pack. We did leave the nylon webbing just in case you wanted to though. We are currently sourcing a plastic clip/strap that would allow you to still attach this case to a larger bag.
The inside left of the case will have a padded sleeve large enough for the smaller iPad Pro or similar device. There will also be some organization with a large pocket (large phone), two medium sized pockets (multi-tool/flashlight), and four pen sized pockets. The inside spine of the case will have a single elastic loop for an additional pen, pencil, or stylus. The inside back will be a large Velcro panel. This will be where you can add the Velcro holstered pistol and a few magazines. We have added a P365 and two 10-round magazines to show scale of the panel. Much larger pistols will easily fit.
If you aren't using it as a pistol case, we are going to have the option to utilize that space with an admin panel. This admin panel will have Velcro backing so it stays in place and will have multiple elastic loop options for tools, batteries, cables, and more. There are also three small pockets on the right side. These will allow you to slide a battery pack behind the elastic loops and inside the pocket, keeping it secure. This was one of the main features that was requested by this group.
On the original design, we were thinking about having a handle down the spine. Many of you said it would be better to have two handles on the opposite side. This way you wouldn't have to worry about dumping your gear out if you forgot to zip it up. This would also be an easier way to carry the case. Thank you for the awesome suggestions. We think this will make the case much more user-friendly.
We still need to have a prototype created but we think it is coming along nicely.
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